Chieftec are a big name in the case industry and they had an impressive array of similar looking cases.

No surprises here then.

Wow, beige cases! These could seriously catch on.

Moving on, the interesting thing about this case is that the pretty lights are...

...touch buttons. No moving parts, but a fingerprint ridden front panel?

Water-cooling anyone?

From Suntek how about a Mac-U-Like?
The Aquasphere would fit well in anyone's living room!!!

Actually this case from Silverstone with it's built-in touch screen really
would make an excellent HTPC .

I have had enough of cases for now so I am going to move onto something more interesting in the next part of our CeBIT coverage. Here is a little taster to wet your appetite...

Until part two, have a drink on us!
See you in the next cartoon...
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